1. YOU’VE GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO. Let’s be honest. You’re awesome. We have no doubt that you can master all the items on your to-do list, but why not lighten the load? It’s not about your incapability, but about working on the things that matter most to you. A Virtual Assistant is the perfect solution. At My Reliable Admin, our assistants can help you with anything from scheduling appointments, managing that unending flow of emails in your inbox, planning your events, data entry, to even purchasing a gift for that birthday which slipped your mind. Virtual Assistants support you in attaining your goals and checking off that list, so you can focus on more important things. At the end of the day, less stress and more success is always a good thing.
2. NO TRAINING REQUIRED. Who has time to interview, hire, and train a new assistant? At My Reliable Admin, our Virtual Assistants are trained and supported by a creative, professional team. These multi-talented assistants are partnered with clients to create the best fit for their needs. What does this mean for you? This means, you don’t waste time in the hiring and training process because My Reliable has already done the work for you.
3. THEY’RE COST EFFECTIVE. Raise your hand if you don’t like saving money. Anyone? I didn’t think so. Virtual Assistants are economical on various levels. You may be paying for training hours, fringe benefits, and that daily meeting around the water cooler. With My Reliable, we offer three different plans with monthly hours to fit your needs. These include a dedicated assistant from Monday to Friday (ET) by phone, email, or text.
4. SPACE IS NOT A PROBLEM. Unlike a regular assistant, there’s no need to empty out the cleaning closet to create a work space for another employee. Virtual Assistants are equipped with their own work spaces at their cost, not yours. Virtual Assistants are valuable team players for both large corporations or home-based start-up’s. My Reliable assistants are available and with you virtually, whether you’re on a trip to Asia or sitting at your local café on a business lunch (which they’ve scheduled for you, of course).
5. THEY’RE FLEXIBLE. Okay, most Virtual Assistants aren’t gymnasts, but they are able to support you remotely with flexibility and committed, concentrated help. At My Reliable Admin, our assistants cover a plethora of issues and tasks. If there’s something they don’t know, they are surrounded by a resourceful, talented and innovative team who most likely will have the answer to help them…help you! What’s more, our VA’s have an incredible ability to multitask. How do they manage emails, handle customer service, write a blog post and type up an expense report in before mere mortals have finished their third cup of mid-morning coffee? I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
Suffice it to say, they’re kind of like superheroes.
Contact us today and receive a free quote for your very own Virtual Assistant. We’d love to work with you!